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The Upper school at Centro Educativo Las Morochas is formed by two groups of students: Middle School (6th to 8th) and High School (9th to 12th). These are ages when education becomes crucial, since they start getting deeper knowledge about different subjects that will lead them to a successful performance in college, university, and their lives in general. The way a subject is taught and the motivation given by its teacher will impact the road that students will choose in the future at the moment on making decisions about their careers and their professional lives. Luckily, we count on a great team of teachers who are willing to give their best in order to provide the highest level of education your children could receive.


Every year of upper school our students will take subjects related to “the big four” which are: English, Math, Science and Social Studies. By the end of high school they should have taken every important aspect of these subjects in order to prepare them for any field our students decide to take in college or the university. The number of credits our students should get to graduate high school is thirty two, and besides the subjects already mentioned we also offer: Art, Computer Science, Physical Education, Spanish, Sociology, Psychology, Geography and History of Venezuela and French.


We do not focus only on the academic part of education, but we are aware that we are also role models and we need to do our best inside and outside the classroom. Among the benefits of being a student of CELM is to have access to the After School Activity Program. These are activities organized by our teachers which take place at our campus from 3:00 to 3:50 pm (right at the end of the school day.) Some of them are related to academic support, while others are related to arts and sports. The Student Council, and the Yearbook clubs are also part of this program.


Our school uses the software Admin Plus and its different braches like Teacher, Student and Parent Plus. These are online tools that allow you to have permanent and updated information about the performance of your child at school, and it gives you access to general information of the school too. Our students are evaluated twice a year with the NWEA Test, which provides us information about the level of our students in reading, language usage and math in relation to other International and American schools which also use this test.

Centro Educativo Las Morochas offers after school activities for students, if you want to know more about visit the section “After school activities”.


ECE Barbara Prieto

1st 2nd 3rd GRADE

1st 2nd 3rd GRADE Paula Omaha

4th 5th GRADE

4th 5th GRADE Roque Bove


MIDDLE SCHOOL Angelina Chango


HIGH SCHOOL Carla Mosquera

Stavros Carataidis

Camila Ramirez

Valentina Fonseca

Carlota AlAbdallah


Carla Mosquera



At the end of the academic year in all our levels we honored our Student of the Year that is that student that has pursuits all the Values of the school and besides has achieved a GPA FROM 3.70 to 4.00.

Our Merit Roll is honored to the students that have reached a GPA from 3.70 to 3.99 and Our Honor Roll is honored to the students that have reached a GPA of 4.00

Av. Intercomunal, vía Terminales Maracaibo diagonal al Edificio Baker Hughes, Ciudad Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela. C.P. 4019   |   +58-414-963-0728 |   +58-424-600-5714
MCO 2409 Miami, Fl  USA      P.O. Box 025323. Tel. 33102 - 5323

©2024  J070074752  CENTRO EDUCATIVO LAS MOROCHAS, S.C.  |  All Rights Reserved |  Registrado en el M.P.P.E bajo el R-01162318

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