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Centro Educativo Las Morochas offers a special program for students in their early years (ages between 2-6 years old). The Early Childhood Education department has four divisions: Two years program, Nursery, Preschool, and Kindergarten. In all level they receive education in English, 2YK they starts working in their habits and get used to school, Nursery the starts with the Language Arts Program and Math, in  Preschool, the program is completed with  Science and Social Studies lessons to prepare them for Kindergarten. Kindergarten includes Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies as core subjects.  To make their learning journey fun the Early Childhood Education Program includes Physical Education, Art, Computer and Library for each division.

The goal of the ECE program is to teach children the English language and enhance communication, Foundational Math Skills, Develop Fine and Gross Motor Abilities and Encourage Positive Social Behaviors by using modern teaching techniques focusing mainly on students learning through play. Play meets the physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social needs of children therefore we strongly believe that children learn from teacher directed play experiences. At CELM we provide a safe space, with trained teachers who teach American culture to students, while they supervise and evaluate students’ progress.

The Nursery Program focuses on the student social/emotional and physical development. At the age of 3 years, children begin to demonstrate a sense of self; they acquire a sense of responsibility for self and others, and show a respectful pro-social behavior. Young children develop gross and fine motor skills through Physical Education and Art classes. As Students inquires knowledge about the world around him/her, they develop a logical and symbolic thinking. As well, they demonstrate basic abilities and understanding in listening, speaking and reading (VC words) in English.


The Preschool Program continues promoting the student’s social/emotional and physical development. However the primary focus is English. By developing a child’s phonological and phonemic awareness, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills. With a variety of strategies provided by the teacher(s) students learn to communicate (their ideas and experiences) with others at a grade level, comprehend grade level text (with CVC words and sight words), and to write ideas related to stories and real-world experiences. As well at CELM, students get a wonderful math education. Students learn to count, compare and classify objects. They recognize and use words that represent time, positions and shapes. And to further a child’s growth, teacher(s) encourage students to develop a sense of awareness for people and animals around them, exposing students to cultural ideas.

The Kindergarten Program is the highest level in the Early Childhood Education, which is the beginning of The Common Core Standards. Here students master many academic skills such as, beginner reader levels, writing basic sentence structure and speaking skill at a grade level. The Language Arts class covers special subject topics such as: Reading, Grammar, and Writing, which improve their English knowledge. The Math lessons offers students an exciting and challenging experience by focusing on Geometry, Algebra Thinking, Counting and Cardinality, Measure and Data as well as Problem Solving Techniques. At the ages of 5-6 years, students learn to count in ten frames; compare and classify objects; express quantities in numbers and words, recognize and use words that represent time, temperature and money, etc. At this level students develop an understanding of rules and follow them. They are able to explore, observe, ask questions, and discuss a variety of topic including the world around them. They understand that history is relating to events, people, and places of other a period of time. Children at this age recognize themselves as part of a community and enjoy being a part of a social network.


Students who complete and graduate from our ECE program are well equipped with good citizens’ skills.  Our program is designed to promote and foster student’s abilities to work independently and communicate effectively with others.


At CELM we are committed to education and believe in keeping parents informed. Parents receive a skilled-based report card each quarter; here they can see their child’s progress, in every core subject and special classes. As well, parents are able to see their children development constantly through our Admin Plus Portal. Teachers are diligent about updating their gradebooks on a weekly base, and parents can access this through the website. During the school year we have two Parent-Teacher conferences. At these conferences, parents meet with teachers to discuss students’ report cards, discuss their academic growth and set strategies to meet goals that benefit the student. And one of our most important characteristics is that our groups are maximum 10 students per class

Centro Educativo Las Morochas offers after school activities for Kindergarten students, if you want to know more about visit the section “After school activities”.

Av. Intercomunal, vía Terminales Maracaibo diagonal al Edificio Baker Hughes, Ciudad Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela. C.P. 4019   |   +58-414-963-0728 |   +58-424-600-5714
MCO 2409 Miami, Fl  USA      P.O. Box 025323. Tel. 33102 - 5323

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