What is MAP Test?
Information for parents about Map Test
Measures of Academic Progress - map are assessments that measure students' general knowledge and academic development in reading, language usage, mathematics, and science. Your child can begin taking MAP exams from kindergarten through high school.
Why is the experience of the MAP exams different from the experience of the other exams?
The MAP exams are different because they are designed to evaluate each student individually. The test will change the difficulty of being at the student's performance level, rather than being at grade level. Your child responds incorrectly, so the test will be easier. As a result students see different exam questions.
Another important difference is that MAP assessments are not timed. In other words, each student has the opportunity to take the time he needs while taking the exams.
At the end of these, the student will receive his grade. This grade will be based on two main points: the number of questions your child answers correctly, and the degree of difficulty of each one.
As with any other test, the information will be available to compare the performance of your child and that of other students at the same grade level.
What do the assessments measure?
They measure students' progress and school development. You can have a chart in your home where you can mark your child's height at certain times in his life - for example at birthdays. This chart measures growth - physical growth from year to year.
MAP assessments do more or less the same, except that they only measure the progress of your child's academic skills. MAP assessments measure academic growth over time, the results the educator receives have practical applications in teaching and learning.
How are the results of the evaluations used?
These results are important because they track the progress or growth of basic skills. It allows teachers to know what the strengths of the student are, and whether they need help in any specific area. The results can also provide teachers and administrators with vital information to prepare the student to take any required examination by state entities.
It is important to remember that the MAP results provide only a vision of how the student is performing. Teachers already routinely assign projects and assignments, administer other assessments, talk about student work, and report cards. By gathering all the information, they provide a more complete picture of each student's progress. Different and varied information resources should be used to make decisions about your child's progress - never use just one.